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Botox for TMJ  San Francisco

Botox for TMJ San Francisco at Infinite Health Zone with Dr. A

Consultations are complimentary and easy to schedule

Do you experience persistent pain in your jaw, temples, or even down toward your shoulders? These symptoms could be related to TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), grinding, or bruxism. These terms describe the discomfort many people feel due to involuntary muscle contractions, often without even realizing it. If you’re searching for effective relief and a TMJ Specialist in San Francisco, consider Botox for TMJ with Dr. A at Infinite Health Zone.


Dr. A brings a wealth of experience to the table, including over 10 years of advanced pain management training at Stanford University. His expertise in administering Botox for TMJ makes him a trusted choice for those seeking relief from jaw pain and discomfort caused by bruxism in San Francisco. 


Beyond his technical skills and being a TMJ Specialist, Dr. A is renowned for his integrative approach to healthcare with a focus on Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and overall Health and Wellness, ensuring that each treatment is part of a holistic care plan. His patients often see him as a key connector among healthcare providers, making him the best choice for Botox for TMJ in San Francisco.

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"I've been clenching my jaw ever since I was a child, and at 38, the clenching had become more frequent, especially during stressful times. The pain in my jaw, neck, and shoulders was constant, and I would wake up clenching so hard that I sometimes heard a clicking in my jaw. I decided to see Dr. A, who I had heard is a Botox for TMJ Specialist in San Francisco. He recommended Botox to treat the pain in my jaw along with a few other healing modalities.

I was nervous about the treatment, but Dr. A made me feel comfortable and at ease. The injections were almost painless, and the next day, my jaw was sore, but nothing that Advil couldn’t help. The real change started about day 5 after the treatment for me —I now wake up with my jaw much more relaxed and my pain has decreased by about 75%, and the best part is, my face feels more relaxed than it has in years. I’m so grateful for Dr. A’s expertise and the relief he’s provided me and excited to see how the results continue to improve over the coming weeks."


-Lindsay Dann  



Understanding TMJ Pain

The main muscles involved in these conditions are the masseter and temporalis muscles. When these muscles are overworked, it can lead to significant discomfort that can affect your daily life. Whether you're clenching during the day or grinding at night, the pain can be relentless.


Dr. A at Infinite Health Zone is offering San Francisco and the Greater Bay area Botox for TMJ and urges you to give him a call to set up a free consultation to start feeling your best! 

Why Night Guards Might Not Be Enough

While many dentists recommend night guards to alleviate the pressure, TMJ Specialist Dr. A in San Francisco says his clients  don’t always get relief and can sometimes worsen symptoms. That’s where a more targeted treatment option comes in—Botox for TMJ in San Francisco. .

Botox for TMJ San Francisco 

At Infinite Health Zone, Dr. A offers Botox for TMJ to the San Francisco and surrounding Bay area as an effective treatment to address pain and discomfort. By injecting Botox into the masseter muscles, the muscle is relaxed and thinned, reducing the force of your bite and alleviating pain and discomfort caused by TMJ. Additionally, this treatment can result in the slimming of your face, which patients find as an added benefit to the relief of symptoms caused by TMJ.


A Botox for TMJ treatment typically involves the following:​

  • Slight discomfort with the injection  

  • 20-30 units of Botox injected per masseter muscle

  • Results lasting around 4-6 months

  • Many patients find 2-3 treatments are enough to alleviate the symptoms completely

​Have Questions? You should!

Call and speak with our team directly 
“The #1 Specialist for TMJ in San Francisco” 

Why Choose Dr. A as a TMJ Specialist in San Francisco?

Dr. A is a highly skilled professional with years of experience in treating TMJ and related conditions. He has undergone extensive training in administering Botox for therapeutic purposes, ensuring that each treatment is both safe and effective. His deep understanding of facial anatomy and dedication to patient care make him the best choice for Botox for TMJ in San Francisco.


Dr. A’s education includes advanced training in aesthetic and therapeutic applications of Botox, as well as a thorough understanding of the complex interplay between muscles and joints in the facial area. His approach is tailored to each patient, focusing on delivering relief while also considering aesthetic outcomes. His clients continually comment that he is the go-to TMJ Specialist in San Francisco and his knowledge and training is unmatched in the pain management industry.

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Trust in Expertise

It’s essential to ensure that your TMJ Specialist in San Francisco  is experienced in treating these specific areas. Dr. A provides these qualities needed to deliver effective, targeted relief with Botox for TMJ in San Francisco:


  • Training

  • Education

  • Expertise

  • Precision 

Another testimonial from a satisfied client of Botox for TMJ in San Francisco:

“Dr. A is the Best. He has done botox for my TMJ and has a wonderful bedside manner. He is kind, caring and wicked smart. I couldn't recommend a better physician.” 


-Jennifer Linder, Owner of Linder Health

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Complimentary Consultations are easy to schedule

As a courtesy, Infinite Health Zone can provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance plan, although we do not directly accept insurance.

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